Information Center

They do it much better

  1. Germany  62 %
  2. South Korea 60 %
  3. Slovania 59 %
  4. Austria 58 %
  5. Belgium 57 %

South Korea shows the world that it can be done much better

Data from an OECD report

Shocking numbers

Worldwide annual plastic production is

> 400 million MT (Metric Tons 1'000 kg)

equivalent to 20 million truck loads

Recycled worldwide:

approx. 9% only = 36 million MT (Metric Tons 1'000 kg)

364 million MT going where?

into rivers, oceans, landfills, agroland

Let's work together for their  future

Our mission is to impart knowledge to young people and sensitize them to environmental issues. We believe that education is the key to positive change. Therefore, we offer workshops, lectures, and internships to inspire young people with the latest knowledge and success stories in the field of environmental protection. We want to show them that they can make a big contribution to preserving nature and reducing environmental pollution. Through our activities, we strengthen the awareness and motivation of young people to actively work towards a better future.

Let's work together

In this paragraph you can write a description of your activities, your personal interests, your professional skills - or really whatever you prefer to use this text box for.